BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Let’s Talk Clots ’23 virtual conference UID:26 DESCRIPTION:Registration now for Let’s Talk Clots ’23 virtual conference.\n\n10th – 13th October 2023\n\nWith accredited catch-up recordings available until 30th November.\n\nWelcoming global, national and local VTE leaders from primary and secondary care.\n\nTalks will include prevention, implementation, management, hot topics and updates in thrombosis, as well as opportunity to ask questions and discuss.\n\nThis conference is open and free of charge to all healthcare and allied professionals.\n\n \n\nFull details and free registration\n\n \n\n DTSTART:20231010T080000Z DTEND:20231013T160000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR