Key Actions for Change

  1. Review all patients prescribed ACEi/ARB/ARNI, BB, MRA, SGLTi or loop diuretics without a HF diagnosis: review the case notes and where appropriate, ensure they have codes for HF, the type of HF, and date of the echocardiogram.
  2. Review previous echocardiograms: to ensure key clinical findings are coded appropriately e.g. type of HF, valve disease and other important features.
  3. Put systems in place: to ensure all future cases of HF, HF subtypes and echocardiogram findings are coded.
  4. High Blood Pressure Locality Data: A British Heart Foundation Resource for All Primary Care Staff.

Areas of Interest

Diagnosed HF Optimising Coding Process

  • Code cleansing of HF – Patients with known HF who are not coded in the primary care record often become lost to follow-up and have higher risks of complications. A systematic mechanism to register, recall and review patients with HF is essential.

  • Patients with confirmed HF on Echo will need to be coded on the GP EPR. They will then need to be put on a recall and review system at the practice to ensure care is optimised (aligned to the care plan from the specialist/service or their holistic plan if have frailty or are in the last year of life), and that patients are educated around HF. There should be a holistic approach to co-morbidity optimisation, lifestyle care, outpatient monitoring in primary/secondary care, up-titration of meds, drug adherence, advance care plan etc

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