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Principles of Heart Attack Care for Primary Care

Principles of Heart Attack Care for Primary Care

In the acute setting, GP practices should prioritise regular training in basic life support and emergency scenarios for all staff.

  • Awareness of AED locations and availability of aspirin is crucial.
  • Emergency drugs and equipment (AEDs) should be tested regularly.
  • For patients with symptoms suspicious of a heart attack, immediate 999 calls are essential.

Post-MI care involves annual patient reviews, vigilance for undiagnosed heart failure, and referral to cardiac rehab. Additionally, early identification of frailty and personalised care plans are crucial for severe frailty or end-of-life patients. For other post-MI patients, optimising medications and managing cardiovascular risk factors are key considerations.

For more detailed information, produced in association with the NHS England Cardiac Transformation Programme Heart Attack Expert Advisory Group we are pleased to share a downloadable document with you here: heart_attack_document_in_primary_care.pdf ( 

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