Home Quality Improvement CKD QI Programme Introduction Module 3 Module 3: CKD Treatment and Management Boehringer Ingelheim has provided funding for the update of this educational module however, they have had no input into the development of the content, selection of speakers or their arrangements. All content has been independently developed by the PCCS. This module was updated in June 2024. The information provided in this presentation is for educational purposes only. Prescribing or management decisions made by clinicians are exclusively their own responsibility. The speaker/PCCS bear no responsibility regarding management or prescribing decisions made by others, or otherwise. Downloadable Slides Please download them here Resources NHS Long Term Plan 2019 Clinical Effectiveness Group, Queen Mary University of London. The Health Foundation. Innovating for Improvement: Development and evaluation of a renal learning health system across inner east London Primary Care Hacks - Interventions for Chronic Kidney Disease in Primary Care Please note, this primary care hack has been updated since the module was filmed. Quality Improvement Programme COVID-19 & CVD QI Programme IntroductionModule 1Module 2Module 3CKD QI Programme IntroductionModule 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Lipid QI ProgrammeModule 1 Module 2Module 3 Module 4 Additional ResourcesHeart Failure QI Programme Explore PCCS Member Benefits