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Intelligent Population Health Reporting & Quality Improvement

COVID-19 Quality Improvement Programme

COVID-19 & CVD Quality Improvement Programme

This programme has been funded by Pfizer Ltd by an independent medical educational grant. Pfizer were not involved in the development of the programme, content, selection of speakers or their arrangements. All content has been independently developed by the PCCS.

We hope this quality improvement programme will enable primary care to have a better understanding of the direct impact of COVID-19 on heart and circulatory disease complications as well as looking at service development opportunities that the COVID-19 pandemic has created. 
We aim to provide practical guidance and tools to enable you to look at your own practice and develop a COVID-19 and CVD QI programme.
This programme covers the following: 
These modules were filmed in October 2024. 

Introduction to the programme

The impact of COVID-19 & CVD

The information provided in this presentation is for educational purposes only. Prescribing or management decisions made by clinicians are exclusively their own responsibility. The speaker/PCCS bear no responsibility regarding management or prescribing decisions made by others, or otherwise.

Downloadable slides



Ready for Module 1