BANCC is delighted to announce their first webinar, in a new series of webinars, entitled ECG Masterclass: High Risk Ischaemia.
The ECG Masterclass: High risk ischaemia patterns webinar is open to all to attend, but primarily aimed at nurses working in acute settings with ECG interpretation experience, e.g. CCU nurses, chest pain assessment nurses and Advanced Clinical Practitioners.
This webinar will be structured as followed:
1. Subtle ST elevation and STEMI in LBBB – Charles Spencer
2. High risk ST depression and T wave inversion – Esther Arnold
3. Other high risk patterns – Valentino Oriolo
For more information about the webinar, our brilliant speakers and relevant FAQs, please visit the event registration page.
The webinar series will be covering topics across the cardiovascular disease spectrum to help meet the diverse educational needs.
The webinars are free of charge for BANCC members and available to non-members at a fee of £10. Free attendance at this webinar series is another great reason for non-members to join BANCC!