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Kidneys Matter 2024

Kidneys Matter 2024

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Kidneys Matter 2024 – A Virtual Webinar for HCPs with a special interest in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Wednesday, 18th September 2024 | 13:30-15:30

In this exciting new era for renal medicine, this webinar will provide an opportunity to hear from national experts from primary and secondary care. The programme will focus on CKD and cover many aspects of the prevention and treatment of this condition. Subjects to be presented and discussed include the public health impact of CKD, a comprehensive clinical management update which will also cover the interaction of CKD with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Finally, we will have an update on the national transformation of renal services programme.

We hope that by joining this meeting you will be inspired to become more involved in the collaborative approach between all sectors of the NHS in improving the care of patients at risk of and with CKD.

Invitations are open to consultant nephrologists, specialist registrar nephrologists, and other healthcare professionals from secondary and primary care with an interest in nephrology/diabetes.


Wednesday 18th September 2024


Welcome and introduction

Dr Tina Chrysochou

  • Consultant Nephrologist, Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance, NHS Foundation Trust


Kidney disease: A UK public health emergency

Prof James Burton

  • Professor of Renal Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical Research at the University of Leicester & Honorary Consultant Nephrologist  


The CKD/CVD/T2D conundrum

Dr Jim Moore

  • Past President of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, GP, GPSI Cardiology, Gloucestershire


Sponsored Symposium




Tackling CKD – a clinical management update

Dr Andrew Frankel

  • Consultant Nephrologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust


Transforming renal services – the primary/secondary care interface

Prof Smeeta Sinha

  • Consultant Nephrologist, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor at the Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, University of Manchester



Closing remarks

Dr Tina Chrysochou

  • Consultant Nephrologist, Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance, NHS Foundation Trust

Agenda subject to change


Dr Tina Chrysochou

Dr Tina Chrysochou

Consultant Nephrologist Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance, NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Constantina (Tina) Chrysochou is a consultant nephrologist at Salford Royal Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Manchester. She is the past President of the Royal Society of Medicine’s Nephrology Section Council. She completed her PhD in 2011 entitled : ‘Prediction of Renal Functional Outcome after Revascularization with Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Atheromatous Renovascular Disease (ARVD)’, and has ongoing clinical and research interests in Fibromuscular Dysplasia (FMD) and ARVD. She is the UK lead for the Renal Rare Diseases register (RADAR) specialist interest group on FMD.

Dr Chrysochou set up the Health Services Journal award-winning renal Young Adults Clinic at Salford Royal Hospital, and is the sub-group lead on Transition for the Renal Services Transformation Programme. The Young Adult Clinic was also used as a model of innovative, patient-centred care in the EGA Leadership Masters programme. Dr Chrysochou is the Northern Care Alliance Lead for Freedom to Speak up Team who were finalists in the 2020 Health Services Journal FTSU Organisation of the year.

Prof James Burton

Prof James Burton

Professor of Renal Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical Research at the University of Leicester & Honorary Consultant Nephrologist

James Burton is Professor of Renal Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical Research at the University of Leicester as well as an Honorary Consultant Nephrologist. He is the Clinical Vice President of the UK Kidney Association and through both the UKKA and KDIGO, is involved in clinical guideline development for patients with kidney disease. He sits on a number of UK Kidney Research Consortium Clinical Study Groups and is a member of the UK Renal Trials Network.


His research portfolio includes mechanisms behind the development of uraemic cardiovascular disease through to interventional clinical trials to improve patient outcomes; his clinical work with dialysis patients has been shortlisted for three NHS Innovation awards.

Dr Andrew Frankel

Dr Andrew Frankel

Consultant Nephrologist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Dr Andrew Frankel has been working as a consultant nephrologist at Imperial College Healthcare NHS trust since 1995. He has extensive experience in managing all aspects of kidney disease but has a particular interest in relation to the management of diabetes in the context of kidney disease. 

Dr Frankel has also maintained a significant research interest in relation to diabetes and kidney, both in terms of how diabetes affects the kidneys leading to deterioration in kidney function, but also in relation to how the presence of kidney disease influences the management of diabetes. Additionally, he has published in relation to the assessment of renal complications in people with diabetes and obesity.

He has played a significant role in the development of UK national guidelines on the management of diabetes in the context of kidney disease. As well as being a joint editor of the UK Kidney Association guidelines on the use of SGLT2i in adults with chronic kidney disease. 

Finally, he is an educational leader supporting the next generation of doctors, having been the director of Imperial's Foundation School from its inception to 2010, London lead for Foundation Training 2010 to 2013 and Postgraduate Dean for South London from 2013 to 2018.

Prof Smeeta Sinha

Prof Smeeta Sinha

Consultant Nephrologist Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Honorary Professor at the Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre, University of Manchester

Professor Smeeta Sinha is a Consultant Nephrologist at Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust. She was the Clinical Director for Renal services at Salford Royal between 2014 and 2020 and oversaw the delivery of kidney care centres across the North of Greater Manchester. Smeeta is currently the NHS England National Clinical Director for Renal Medicine.

Smeeta’s clinical interests are in CKD, multi-morbidity including diabetic kidney disease and cardio-renal syndrome. She also leads the complex glomerulonephritis service at Salford Royal. Smeeta’s research interests include vascular calcification, multimorbidity, glomerulonephritis and rare renal diseases.

Dr Jim Moore

Dr Jim Moore

Past President of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, GP, GPSI Cardiology, Gloucestershire

Dr Moore is a GP in Gloucestershire with a special interest in Cardiovascular Medicine and Past President of the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, spearheading significant changes in this organisation. He lectures extensively across the UK.

He has been heavily involved in National CVD advisory groups, guidelines and working parties. He was a member of the NICE Chronic Heart Failure in Adults Guideline committee (2016-2018) and was a board member of British Society for Heart Failure.

Dr Moore has provided cardiovascular clinical support to local commissioning organisations for over two decades and more recently to Cardiac Networks in the South-West. He is currently Clinical Co-Lead (Primary Care) for the West of England Integrated Cardiac Clinical Network.

Dr Moore is the National Clinical Co- Lead (Primary Care) for the National Cardiac Transformation Programme which has included working closely on NHSE initiatives such as Managing Heart Failure @Home and more recently chaired a group that developed the National (NHSE) guidance for the Virtual Ward care for people with heart failure (in publication).

He has been involved in the establishment and subsequent development of the community-based Gloucestershire Heart Failure service since its inception in 2003 where he continues to work as a GPSI.



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This webinar was developed by the PCCS. The sponsoring companies have had no input into the webinar agenda, speaker selection or presentations, with the exception of the sponsored symposium session, for which the respective sponsoring companies are fully responsible.

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