Registration open and welcoming all healthcare and allied healthcare professionals.
Providing CPD accredited and free registration to three days of ‘live’ sessions (7-9 May 2024) plus access to accredited catch-up recordings until 31 May 2024.
NTW’24 vc offers an extensive agenda including Q&A opportunities and interactive case study sessions, e-Poster display, round table meeting sessions, and exhibition hall offering chat, free resources and access to further learning opportunities.
Full details and to register click here
Opportunity to submit for e-Poster Exhibition:
The committee welcomes abstract submissions for the NTW’24 e-Poster Hall.
Abstracts must be received by 1st April 2024.
Maximum 250 words and need to include:
- title
- background
- aims
- method
- results
- conclusion.
This is a great opportunity to be accepted for e-Poster exhibition at a large, accredited UK conference. No fees, plus up to four submissions will be selected to present live within the main conference.
Submit your poster here