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Advancing the access to cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment among women with cardiovascular disease: a joint British Cardiovascular Societies’ consensus document

Advancing the access to cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment among women with cardiovascular disease: a joint British Cardiovascular Societies’ consensus document

Advancing the access to cardiovascular diagnosis and treatment among women with cardiovascular disease: a joint British Cardiovascular Societies’ consensus document

This article was recently published on the critical issue of cardiovascular disease in women, highlighting the work of Professor Vijay Kunadian and other leading experts. The article underscores the urgent need to address gender disparities in cardiovascular care.

We are proud that our President, Prof. Raj Thakkar, and Past President, Dr Jim Moore FRCP Edin, are contributing authors to this significant publication, which includes representatives from all leading UK cardiovascular societies.

Gender disparities in cardiovascular disease have long been a focus for the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society (PCCS).

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